Thrive in your Hive Thursday - Finding your Mojo

Hello and welcome back.

As I was preparing for "Thrive in your hive" today, I scanned various organizational ideas, I looked for some fun organizational idea in my craftroom to share with you... and nothing was inspiring me.  This led me to redirect this post.

Thriving in your hive sometimes means kickstarting your mojo. 

When I want to craft, but just don't know what I want to create, I find browsing Pinterest, looking through a magazine or even just sifting through my supplies will usually spark an idea.

I have been inspired by the Target flyer in Sunday's paper.  Take a look at this photo.  Immediately, I think about making a card with some sort of green background and a pop of orange, or perhaps a green fabric tote bag with a cute poppy red iron on design.

Or this image.  Wouldn't it be cute to make a card with 3 lemon slices going up the side or across the bottom (I know, these are blood oranges).

This photo reminds me of that new floral pink and red fabric I just got.  Oh... that reminds me I wanted to make a fun little pouch for a friend's birthday gift.

Do you see how this procoess works for me?  If you're stumped or feel like you are ready for something new, try looking at your surroundings, grab a magazine, or Sunday's paper, look at your dishes for color schemes, go outside and look for inspiration.  Sometimes, it's right under your nose.
Thriving in your hive isn't just about organization.  It's about what makes you want to craft, what inspires you, how your craft space makes you feel.  

Being "in the moment" is what this journey is all about.  Don't let a stalled Mojo stop you.

What do you do to get those creative juices going?


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