It's Favorites Friday! Let's talk trimmers!

Hello!  I'm Lorrie and today I want to talk about Trimmers!  It's Favorites Friday and I want to tell you about my Favorite Trimmer!

First things first... my favorite trimmer is.... drumroll please....

The Fiskars Procision Trimmer!

Let me tell you why.  I am a lefty, so quite often trimmers only have numbers/measurements on one end which is always oriented for a right handed person.  When I use this trimmer, the blade is on the left side (completely opposite of the photo).  As you can see the measurements are on both ends of the trimmer and they are oriented so that if the trimmer is turned around they are right side up.  Genius!

I've tried at least 20 different trimmers and believe me, I want to love every one of them, but, as a lefty.. many leave me wanting more from my trimmer.  Guillotine trimmers, which are my preference, absolutely have to be used with your right hand.  Many rotary blade trimmers don't cut correctly with the left hand.  It's something you don't think about, unless you're a lefty.

The only downside that I find with this trimmer is that there is a gap in the measurements right where the trimmer folds in half.  It happens to be right between the 5.6 and 6" measurements, which if youre using 12 x 12 paper can be a crucial measurement to get precise.

I'm curious, what's your favorite trimmer and why?  Leave us a comment!


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